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Winterfest Program

I’m sure Colin worked his ass off to finish this… so without further delay, here’s the link to the 2010 Winterfest Program. Enjoy. See you Friday perhaps?!


  1. Bitter Non-Brewer says:

    I’d like a show of hands for who will be there.
    Put your hand down if you’re an insider.
    Put your hand down if you bought a ticket for more than face value.

    Anyone? I’m sure five people at the back of that queue got lucky. Ten… not so much.

  2. Jason B says:

    I like the listing by style.

  3. eek! says:

    Very nice line up. I wish the Boathouse would make it down for one of the events. I would like to try their stuff.

  4. Drew Johnson says:

    I’ll be there. Honestly, that looks like one of the best lineups I’ve seen for years. There have been a few years where it seems like the usual beers were trotted out; this one looks…special.

  5. richt says:

    I also think the listing by style is a good idea. My first Winterfest, I’m pretty excited!

  6. Drew Johnson says:

    As to BN-B upthread…it’s a matter of being there at your computer at the right place and right time. Every year, I mark it on the work calendar, set my telephone to DND, and have everything in front of me. Same as you’d do with a concert event.

    If that sort of planning doesn’t strike your fancy (or that of a good friend), then you are indeed in trouble.

  7. eek! says:

    What’s the food like? This is my third or fourth winterfest but I always eat before hand and by the time I am hungery again its crumbs left. Just curious if people think its, bad, good or even great.

  8. Champs says:

    If it’s anything like getting ABR tickets, then it has at least as much to do with luck as timing. I was on time… too bad the site wasn’t functional.

  9. Tucker says:

    To Bitter Non-Brewer I’m not an insider (that would be cool though) and didn’t buy my two tickets for more than face unless you count service fees from the ticket site they use.

    There were around 700 tickets from what I read which is a small amount but to me an event like this being small is a great thing! It sold out in 7 to 10 minutes. The first two to three minutes the site gave me issues saying the tickets were not on sale when I got to the ticket page even though the previous page told me they had gone on sale. I refreshed until I got in because I couldn’t get in on the phone at first, but tried both. This is one of those cases where technology can suck.

    It looks like some people are selling them online for face plus the service fee and as others have stated there will be some pathetic scalpers that can’t unload them and will get rid of them at the event for what the rest of us paid. Hope it works out for you this year or next! This will be my first time going and I’m excited.


  10. Dan Justesen says:

    We lied. Well, actually we mis-communicated. The Belgian recipe we are bringing is not the Witte but our Dubbel. Very different indeed. Sorry for any confusion. Maybe next year we can bring the Witte as I think we can always need some lighter session beers at Winterfest.

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