Pittsburgh Blue, in Maple Grove, is holding a 5-course Summit beer dinner.
Tree Island Oysters – Two Ways:
On the half shell with creme fraiche and sturgeon roe
Baked “Oysters Dynamite”
Summit Pilsener
Coriander Crusted Sea Scallops with frisee salad and preserved lemon vinaigrette
Summit Hefe Weizen
Smoked Pork Shank with southern style cheese grits and eight hour tomato puree
Summit Horizon Red Ale
Achiote Roast Beef “Sandwich” with chimmichurri cole slaw
Summit Great Northern Porter
Caramel & Chocolate Bread Pudding
Summit India Rye Ale
Cost: $60 (plus tax and gratuity)
Reservations: 763-416-2663
Pittsburgh has an ‘h’. The website is: http://www.pittsburghbluesteak.com/
Oops! Thanks for the catch, Mike.
“new the Parasole restaurant in Maple Grove” That place has been there since 2005.
I should have said newest – newest in terms of Parasole restaurants. Plus, it’s new to me – still haven’t made it out there.
Il Gatto is the newest. It replaced Figlio in Uptown. Uptown Cafeteria and SkyBar are opening soon in Calhoun Square across from Stella’s.