Not surprisingly, Stanley’s is standing in support of Surly’s hope to open a destination brewery. Others such as The Ale Jail, Princeton’s Liquors, The Four Firkins, Cafe 28, Grumpy’s NE, Stub & Herb’s and others have all voiced their support. Here’s the latest effort from the crew at Stanley’s:
We at Stanley’s Northeast Bar Room fully support Surly’s vision of creating a new brewery, restaurant and event center. Surly Brewing has become a very successful brewery, who wants to invest additional time and energy into a business expansion that will produce jobs and contribute to the beverage and tourism economies of Minnesota.
We do not feel threatened as a bar and restaurant to have one of our beloved Minnesota breweries create a restaurant for themselves. We say, go for it and good luck!
To further support Surly’s vision, we will be hosting a “Support Surly” party Saturday February, 19th and taking signatures of supporters. Our names will be the first on the list. We hope other
restaurants and bars will show their support for Surly as well.
Good! Need more establishments and retailers to make their voices heard. Thanks to all that have already done so.
Pfffft… As if I need a reason to drink.
I’ve said it elsewhere, and I’ll say it again here: the question is, do these establishments pay dues to the MLPA, the organization that’s fighting the changes Surly wants? If so, they should also make their voices heard to their own lobbying organization, which claims it represents them. Otherwise they’re really having it both ways: making statements to craft beer fans, while still paying dues to the organization that is lobbying against craft beer fans.
Cafe 28, eh? Color me surprised
Concerned beer lovers across MN are getting organized to show support for Surly & other brewers via events, social media, petitions, etc. Please contact me if you are interested in helping in any capacity.