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Rumor Mill… New Holland Brewing coming to MN?

From fellow homebrewer and all around good guy Wayne Teuer is some rumors of New Holland beers coming to MN. I have not verified this information, but Wayne is generally a reliable source.

Just a quick note to inform you that by mid to late July, New Holland Brewing Company’s beers will be available in the metro area. For those that don’t know, John Haggerty is the head brewer at New Holland Brewing Company in Holland, Michigan. John was the head brewer at Town Hall before Mike took over. John went to MN Brewing and then to Berlin, Germany where he attended and graduated from brewing school before taking over the helm at New Holland Brewing Company.

From what I understand, Howenstein will be the distributor. The beers will be available in mid to late July. NHBC has some great beers and now we can get them!! Attached is a list of what will be available.

Can someone put this on the different club lists for me? I think this is very news worthy. A Minnesota boy finally comes home!!
