…from KEYC TV in Mankato (thanks Twincitiesbeerprices.com)
…from KARE-11 (thanks Trav)
…and you can expect a piece from Tim Post on MPR, most likely on Friday. Tim was nice enough to call me and will likely be wading through my thoughts on the whole ordeal, with red pen in hand (or at least I would…) he spoke with brewers as well, and I’m guessing that it’ll be a great piece, with or without my help.
Dude , I totally hate beer. i wish there was no hops or barley left on the planet. just kidding, ive decide im going to change my corn field to a hops field and i will sell anyone who wants 4 dollars on the ounce. This is premium hops it might smell a little like marijuana but it has the most robust smell but let me know my name is jerry calle me at (714)742-0343