I first heard about this project quite a while ago and a glad to see that things appear to be coming together for Lift Bridge Brewery in Stillwater.
Their goals seem modest and achievable:
At this time, we want to release a few brews into the market to share with a small amount of consumers our goals and efforts. We hope to do this by Fall of 2008. If we are greeted with support from you, we will continue to increase production, augment product lines, and expand facility capabilities. We want to give this City, State and Region something to be proud of and to call our own. We hope that you will join us on this quest!
As always, we wish them the very best of luck!
If anyone wants to sample the offerings, in a pleasant springtime setting no less, come on out to the Stillwater Brewers Bazaar (http://www.stillwatersunriserotary.org/page/show/33600).
Should be a swell time.
The website looks good, but would it kill ’em to turn off the music on the intro page? Or, at the very least, give the option of turning it off?
I look forward to trying Lift Bridge on the 17th.
They had a preview Beer SpringFest last weekend (May 3) and shared several of their beers:
Lift Bridge MaiBock
Lift Bridge ’The Logger’ Vienna Lager
Lift Bridge ’Farm Girl’ Belgian Saison
Lift Bridge ’The Pioneer’ Pale Ale
Lift Bridge Belgian Tripel
Lift Bridge ’Falling Brown” Nut Brown Ale
Lift Bridge ’ Brick Alley’ Stout
Lift Bridge Honeycrisp Apple Cider
I and some friends will be at the Bazaar and I’m looking forward to trying some lift bridge.
Mag, your tickets are in the mail. Enjoy!
Not to be the asshole
…..but, is the brewery actually making these beers ,or are these pilot/test/homebrew batches for the brewery?
either way …Good Luck!