If you find yourself bobbing your head along with these, you’re probably not alone. Punching Screeching Weasel into Pandora earlier in the week sent me down this road. I grew up this stuff. Enjoy!
Screeching Weasel – The Girl Next Door. The impetus for this week’s 5ive. One of my old favorite tunes from Screeching Weasel.
Descendents – Bikeage. The Descendents are one of my all time favorite bands. This is a great tune that’s been covered by a bunch of bands. I’m not sure I’m crazy about the backing vocals from the singer from Rise Against in this live clip, but it’s better than watching the album cover for two minutes.
The Queers – Fuck This World. I’m pretty sure this band is a bastard child of The Ramones and The Beach Boys.
Jawbreaker – Boxcar. “You’re not punk and I’m telling everyone… Save your breath, I never was one…” Remember the 90s? Grunge? Pop punk? Nirvana going mainstream? Green Day graduating from driving a bookmobile and playing First Avenue to tour buses and arenas? Jawbreaker’s Blake Schwarzenbach treads on the topic of “selling out” quite nicely with this one.
Blatz – Fuk Shit Up. Again with the f-bomb. How punk of you Mr. Anderson. Sloppy, somewhat poppy and rough around the edges. How can you not like something so simple?