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Firkin Video Contest

Might be time to bust out all that clay you have laying around from the 6th grade.

Want to win a $200 gift card for the Four Firkins? Like playing with video? Then this is for you…

After seeing how creative you all are with video commercials for Surly and other beer related businesses around town we thought it’d be fun to see what you could come up with for the Firkins.

Get together with a group of your friends and make a video “commercial” for The Four Firkins. Get as crazy as you like: animation, stop-action clay figures, kittens, real video, the possibilities are endless!

It should be no more than 2 minutes long but can be as short as 30 seconds if you like.

While filming inside the store is totally cool with us it would have to be done with a handheld camera only to avoid getting in the way of other people (I.E. no tripods or light umbrellas!)

Firkins employees can not be featured in the video, although animated likenesses of us might be fun..

Oh, one more thought: as much as we appreciate George Carlin style cursing, if we are going to display your video on our websites it might be best if there were no “F” bombs…

Submissions in by September 30th 2010. The winning video will be announced on October 17th and linked to our main Website, Cloud Profile and Face Book. Send you submissions or links to them to

Grand prize: $200 gift card to the Four Firkins: That’s a lot of good beer!

Runner up prize: One bottle each of Surly Darkness (2009), Smoke, and Four.

We look forward to seeing what you come up with!