Join Friends of the Mississippi River and Bad Weather Brewing Company for this St. Paul storm drain stenciling outing. We will meet at Bad Weather Brewery to begin with a brief introduction and presentation about run-off pollution and proper stenciling techniques from FMR staff. Then we will head out to the nearby downtown streets for the stenciling activity. Armed with spray paint, a stencil and traffic cones (courtesy of St. Paul Public Works) we’ll stencil “Keep ’em Clean, Drains to River” next to storm drains. Volunteers will also distribute educational door hangers to nearby homes and businesses, creating a visual connection between the newly stenciled drains and local water quality, as well as what they can do in their home and yard to help protect our local waters.
After the stenciling activity, we’ll reconvene in the taproom to enjoy a pint and learn more about Bad Weather Brewing!
Please note, advanced registration is required. To sign-up pleas visit: