Pracna will be tapping The Dissident from Deschutes today at 4pm. It’s a 1/6 barrel and one of only two in the state, so get there early so all the other jerks don’t drink it up.
After nearly two years aging in isolation, 2010 The Dissident has reached its pinnacle. Deschutes Brewery’s only wild yeast beer, brettanomyces and lactobacillus “critters” (a technical brewing term) create a …distinctive Oud Bruin, Flanders-style sour brown ale, with a fruity aroma and flavor. Along with the wild yeast “critters”, which help to create a strong Belgian flavor, this lavish brew has whole central Washington cherries – pits, stems and all – added to the mix.
Who you calling a joke? Keg is blown, incidentally.
Er, jerk, I mean.