
MN Beer is a web gem

In case you missed Sunday’s Star Tribune Arts section while you were busy with all your holiday goings-on, Chris Riemenschneider gave MNBeer a nice plug. I might not have noticed it however someone kindly inserted a picture of a beer being poured into a mug. Trust a picture of beer to catch my eye any day.

Web gem
Last update: December 22, 2007 – 4:35 PM

Talk about a vicious circle: As Minnesota beer aficionados/snobs have more brands to drink up and events to take in, they naturally have a harder time keeping track of it all. This site was brewed for that reason. Essentially a message board and events calendar for in-state breweries and brewpubs, it’s the place to go to find out things like: When is Schell’s Bockfest? (Feb. 2.) What new brews are on tap at Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery? (A chocolatey Belgian ale called Festivus 2007 and an English IPA called 1800.) And what’s causing the worldwide hops shortage? (Expertly explained in a long letter from Summit proprietor Mark Stutrud.)

OK, so it’s not always riveting stuff, but it helps you get to the riveting stuff.


MPR “A shortage of hops has beer makers and beer drinkers worried”

Read and listen here (or catch it the old-fashioned way at 91.9 FM in the Twin Cities)

Tim Post spoke with Chris Laumb from McCann’s in St. Cloud, Dustin from Brau Brothers and me about the current state of beer, hops and barley prices.

Ryan Anderson, who runs the blog MN Beer, says the increase isn’t likely to keep beer lovers from buying a six-pack of their favorite.

“That’s just something that, as fans and advocates of craft beer, we’re just going to have to absorb and continue to enjoy our beer,” Anderson says.

What beer connoisseurs like Anderson fear is that the shortage of hops and barley could force some small breweries out of business.

In hindsight, I’m not sure I love the sentence that I formulated there and probably would have asked for a do-over, but overall, I think that this is the best piece I’ve seen on the ordeal.

Six Pack: MNBeer interviews Doug Hoverson

Six Pack is the name of our new feature involving interesting people who are involved with the great beer in Minnesota. As luck would have it, “Land of Amber Waters” author Doug Hoverson was our first “victim.” I had originally written five questions (hoping to call it the MNBeer 5ive), but Doug added a sixth question and six-pack seems so appropriate.

Six Pack: Doug Hoverson

(Oh, by the way, City Pages recently interviewed Doug as well.)

Look for us at Autumn Brew Review…


Dan from Graphic Source just delivered  the MNBeer and TC Imbiber banners to my office. Despite the photo, they look really good. Come see them in person at Autumn Brew Review on Saturday. I can’t guarantee that we’ll be at the booth all day… in fact I’m sure we’ll be sampling tasty beers much of the day, but you never know…

If you need great banners or other display items, drop Dan a line. Graphic Source does nice work and Dan likes good beer as well. I’m sure we’ll run into him at ABR.