My turn. Jim Norton asked me Five Questions for City Pages’ Twin Cities Eater. As you’ll see, I’m plugging the locals left and right. Drink up!
My turn. Jim Norton asked me Five Questions for City Pages’ Twin Cities Eater. As you’ll see, I’m plugging the locals left and right. Drink up!
Yeah. Finally. We decided to scrap the WordPress board and just go with PHPBB. Enjoy.
Five Questions with Kris and Mag of Beer Musings
Look for five questions with me in December.
Bonus points for anyone who catches the song reference… in any case, we’re giving you far too much advanced warning, but we’re having a party in April. MNBeer turned 3 this year and we were all to busy to celebrate (or perhaps we were celebrating other things). So in light of that fact, we’ve decided to throw a 3.5 year birthday party for I don’t have the date or the venue nailed down quite yet, but I can promise you a good time, local beer, great people and more beer. Over the years, we’ve met a lot of our dear readers, but we’re still constantly running into new people. Let’s have a beer! Watch this space for more information.
“It’s time to have all our strangers over and make friends.”
We’ve got swag! You can buy glasses at Autumn Brew Review and Alvey at The Four Firkins has a case as well. Openers are free. The plan is to move on up to something fancier once these glasses go. Drink up!