Hey, you got your beer in my politics!
Hey, you got your politics in my beer!
Here is an interesting WSJ story on the much-discussed Beer Summit with a craft-beer twist.
Hey, you got your beer in my politics!
Hey, you got your politics in my beer!
Here is an interesting WSJ story on the much-discussed Beer Summit with a craft-beer twist.
Here’s your chance to let the Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild, those lovely folks that present the Great Taste of the Midwest, know what you think about how they sell tickets to this event.
Mail order tickets are in the mail! This year, we filled about 40% of requests, up from 25% in 2008. Nearly 40% of mail order tickets went to Wisconsin residents, 40% to the states abuttung Wisconsin (IL, MI, IA and MN), and the rest went to 29 other states, Puerto Rico and Germany.
Please take the Great Taste of the Midwest Ticket Sales Survey to give us some feedback about how ticket sales went.
For those of you who don’t know much about Finnegans or wonder what the story is, there is a nice write up in today’s Strib. It’s a good read. Check it out. Or Else.
This weekend the Beer Dabbler tour is hitting Sioux Falls. The beer tasting runs from 1-5 and there are events to follow. But hey, who cares what I say. I damn near sunk the whole program ’cause I’m an idiot. Anyway, head to the Beer Dabbler site for a listing of beers, sponsors, other tour dates/locales, etc. Now, if a Sioux Falls beer tasting doesn’t get you off your butt, let me spice this up a bit. MiniKiss will be providing the entertainment (I’m guessing after the beer tasting, but don’t know for sure). Yeah, that’s right. MiniKiss. Not to be mistaken with Tiny Kiss. This is the real deal, folks. If this beer tasting doesn’t yield stories that can be told for years, then I don’t know what would.
Here’s what’s coming up this week at Fitger’s Brewhouse in Duluth… Parr’s Porter on Cask and Bad Moon Ryzen
Red Star – Finn’s Triumph
Burrito Union – 4th and Long Wheat Lager, Bad Moon Ryzen