Category: general beer

Brewing TV #63: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

Like kids to a candy store, Brewing TV finally makes the pilgrimage to the World of Dogfish Head, its mothership brewery in Milton, DE and the O.G. brewpub in Rehoboth Beach. Join BTV as we learn about Dogfish Head’s homebrew-scale Small Batch Brewing program and see how the ideas behind small-batch experimental brewing influence the brewery’s large-scale commercial releases. Off-Centered brew for all! [See THIS LINK for Jake’s full conversation with Sam Calagione]

ACBW at Bryant Lake Bowl

In case you aren’t completely booked up already next week, there are still a few events you should know about! Bryant Lake Bowl will be holding a few good craft beer events during American Craft Beer Week!

Monday, May 14th at 5pm: Tapping a Bell’s Black Note Stout & a Harry Magill’s Spiced Stout

Tuesday, May 15th at ???: Black Keys post-show party featuring an incredibly rare keg of Lagunitas Waldo’s Ale.

Wednesday, May 16th: Fulton tap takeover featuring 7 Fulton beers including The Ringer Pale Ale, Libertine and 2 randallized creations!

They will also be featuring beers of the Upper Midwest throughout the week!