This sounds like a lot of fun and won’t conflict with this year’s Autumn Brew Review. Now I just have to decide if I can afford it!
It’s once again time to sign up fool-hardy folks for the Beer Good Bus Tour III! Last year’s tour of WI brewpubs was a great success, and this year’s route will be a northerly one. The tentative trip itinerary is below.
If you’re interested, please send your non-refundable $50 per person deposit to John Longballa, 1211 Minnehaha Ave W, Saint Paul, 55104. The bus will be about $60 per person, assuming that around 35 people come along. The hotel will be about $100 for double occupancy, and you’ll be able to walk to it from the last Saturday stop, so how late you stay up will be entirely up to you! Could someone please pass this along to the SPHBC, as my new e-dress is not registered with their listserve?
Thanks!The trip is shaping up as such:
Saturday, September 30th! (consensus was to move it one week earlier, since Autumn Brew Review once again set down on our tentative date of October 7th!)8:00–we board a luxury bus, complete with restroom. We immediately begin the People’s Choice competition, and hopefully Paul won’t take BOTH the top spots again!
10:45–we roll into Fitger’s for lunch, because any day that begins at Fitger’s has GOT to be GOOD!
12:30, we roll across Duluth Harbor and into Superior’s Twin Ports Brewing for sampling. Normally they don’t open until 4:00, but I sweet-talked Steve into opening just for us!
1:45–we leave TP, arriving at White Winter Meadery in Iron River, WI at 2:30 for a special tour and tasting, complete with appetizers.
3:45–we exit WW and turn south toward Hayward, where not one, but TWO brewpubs await! We pull into either the Angry Minnow or the Mad Muskie around 4:30 for dinner. I haven’t yet decided which place is our dinner stop, but they’re both good options. 6:30 we head to the other.
7:30–we leave Hayward and head for an 8:30 tour of Deep Water Grill at South Shore Brewing in Ashland. We kick back and relax after a hard day’s work. We sleep hard in Ashland.
Sunday, October 1st!
On the road around 9:00.11:00–we have lunch at Minocqua Brewing in Minocqua.
12:30–we head 10 miles to Bugsy’s Brewpub in Rhinelander.
1:30–we head to Hereford and Hops in Wassau, arriving around 2:30.
3:30–leave Wassau for Central Waters Brewpub in Marshfield. Yes, this is the same brewer as in Junction City with the sewage problem–no, it’s not the same PLACE!
4:30–dinner at Central Waters.
6:00–head for Saint Paul, arriving around 9:00.
Yes, I’m certain that we could stop at a WI liquor store for WI micros again!
Yes, I’m certain that there will be funny movies showing again!
Yes, I’m certain that someone will be willing to do the Wheel of Fortune again!
Sooooo . . .
As soon as I get your non-refundable $50 per person deposit, made out to me and mailed to my house, then you are set.Thanks for entertaining the idea!