I’ll be in the Park Rapids/Walker area next week, leaving the care of MNBeer.com up to Eric, Jeff, Mag & Kris. Please treat them well.
More importantly, I need a good deal on 12-packs of Summit & Schell’s. Suggestions? I’m craving local hefeweizen and don’t feel like paying the “up north”/municipal liquor store premiums.
24 packs of Summit at Costco for $19.99 last time I checked. It’s open to non-members, CASH ONLY.
Wow. I’m a member anyway and Costco is really close to home!
Surdyk’s just got a pallet of Schell’s Hefe in last week- it’s only available in 6-packs though.
http://www.morellismarket.com tends to have good deals for cash. Also some pretty damn cool meat deals.
Schells Hefe seems really hard to find. I snagged a sixer at Chicones, but they only got two cases in. On a side note, I will be in Grand Rapids for the next week, so Ill have a couple 30 pks of Old Style, and some Surly. Great mix.
Jace – I can buy 6-packs. No issue there. Side note – I met your brothers Saturday.
Does Sams/Costco only carry the EPA, or do they get some seasonals too?
Good question. I’ve been thinking about taking some EPA (or Schell’s Pale) with me as well…
Jerry’s Warehouse Liquors in Grand Rapids has a good beer selection-you may want to check there if you run dry while up here.
Cellar’s in roseville (the one on snelling not the lex/larp one) is/will be running 12pks @ 10.99 and the sure bet is Chicago Lake that runs them @ 10.99 all the time. The price is secured through December….FYI
I’ve actually found a decent selection at the store on Hwy 34 and 7, just south of Dorset (Dorset Corner Liquor). Yeah, you have to pay a little more, but if more people demand good beers up north, maybe more will improve their selections.
blue maxx has shells hefe stacked up like cordwood! And dam is it good. Also the shells pualee aulee is outstanding.