Author: Mag


Gang, I removed a post I’d made earlier in the day regarding a series of fund-raising beer tastings to be held in MN and the Dakotas in 2009.  I’d learned of the events through a published ad in a publicly available rag, found a site chock-full of information, and decided to share the excitement.  I also gathered a bit more information and learned that there are still quite a few details to be worked out with respect to these events.  Locations, dates, beer offerings, food vendors and live music are all subject to change and the information available was not complete.  I got the okay to leave the post up, but after thinking about it for a while, I decided to pull it back until things have firmed up a  bit.  That seems to be the prudent thing to do.

But never fear!  When details firm up a bit more, we’ll repost information on the event.  Sit tight!

Put Out the Flames

You’ve only got a few days left to enjoy Fire Chief Ale, a special brew being offered by Rock Bottom in downtown Mpls. Fire Chief is a delicious hoppy red ale…that I happen to be drinking right now and which you aren’t…not to rub it in. A portion of the proceeds from each pint go towards supporting your local fire departments. Fire Chief is also available in growlers.

Huzzah – Website Updates

We’d previously made mention that Great Waters’ website was given a facelift (well, a complete overhaul actually), thanks to Jeff. Now it appears as though the beer list is being updated with some regularity. Huzzah!!!

Those of you on Brau Bros. e-mail distribution also saw a note from Dustin promising that their site redevelopment was moving along. Huzzah!!!

And Al, how long has Blue Nile been doing the Google slide-show on beer? No matter…Huzzah!!!

Edit: Oh yeah, I fixed our link to The Herkimer from our Brewpubs tab too! Huzzah!!!

Not a “meaty” post, but at least it was enthusiastic. Huzzah!!!

Cheesy Collaboration

A couple of MNBeer geeks had a chance to attend a private cheese release at Summit Brewery last evening.  The purpose of this release was to present and taste Winter Blues, a cheese made in collaboration between Faribault Dairy Co. (producers of Amablu lines of cheese) and Summit.  “How does this diabolical union come to be,” you ask!?  Amablu’s St. Pete’s Select blue cheese was bathed in Summit’s Winter Ale for several weeks and, I’m not a science guy but hang with me, apparently the cheese mold gets a bit tipsy, throws a few parties, puts the obligatory lamp-shade on its head, all from the safe confines of a bomb-proof complex of caves.  The result is a very creamy, sensational blue cheese.

“That’s all good and well, Mag, but why are you telling us?”  Good question.  The good folks and Lunds and Byerly’s are going to attempt to single-handedly pull our economy out of this recession by selling Winter Blues in all Lunds and Byerly’s stores starting on February 20th.  And they’re gonna do this without TARP money.  Additionally, Winter Blues will be showcased in a Lunds and Byerly’s catered beer dinner at Summit on March 4 (see the previous post).

Well done folks, truly.

And my thanks goes out to Mark, Carey and the folks at Summit for allowing us to join you.  Cheers!