Author: Eric

Eric was one of a few contributors who jumped on board when the site was in its infancy.

Muddy Pig Craft Beer Week Events

Good to see St. Paul lining up some events for Craft Beer Week. The Muddy Pig jumps into the mix, offering a different piece of glassware for almost every day of the week. New Belgiuim, Fulton, Bell’s, Ommegang, Deschuttes and Dark Horse. Also, Wednesday is a release party for Pennsylvania-based Weyerbacher, new to our market. All events start at 5pm.
  • Monday, May 17. Purchase a pint of New Belgium Ranger IPA and keep the glass (while supplies last)
  • Tuesday, May 18. Purchase a pint of Fulton Sweet Child of Vine and keep the glass (while supplies last)
  • Wednesday, May 19. Another new brewery hits the market, Weyerbacher Brewing Company of Easton, PA. This small brewery has been around for 15 years and has established a reputation for making big and beautiful beers a bit different from the others. We will have 3 of their beers on tap including Double Simcoe IPA, Merry Monks Belgian-style tripel and Blithering Idiot barleywine.  Oddly, we won’t have any Weyerbacher glasses.
  • Thursday, May 20. Bell’s pint night. Purchase a pint of Oberon or Two Hearted and keep the glass (yup, while supplies last).
  • Friday, May 21. Dark Horse Amber, purchase a pint and keep the glass (you know).
  • Saturday, May 22. Ommegang Abbey Ale. As above.
  • Sunday, May 23. Deschutes Hop Henge. Might as well stop in and complete your collection.
So what are you doing next week? Drinking great beer and building up your collection of branded glassware.

Brew with Furthermore

Aran Madden, brewmaster for Furthermore Beer, will be at Vine Park on May 3 from 11am – 3pm to brew with you. Choose from one of six recipes to make and name. $53 will get you 18 22oz btls with your custom labels signed by Aran, a Furthermore beer tasting, Furthermore pint glass, lunch and brewing. 24 spots are available.

Please call Vine Park to purchase your tickets: 651-228-1355.

Beer and Bacon

Join the bacon craze! Lots of things go with bacon, and beer is no exception.

Join us on Tuesday, April 27 for Beer & Bacon at The Muddy Pig. Starting at 5pm on the 27th when you purchase a glass of Two Brothers Heavy Handed or Two Brothers Domaine DuPage you will get a side of bacon to enjoy with the beer (until the bacon runs out). Muddy Pig tapas. So why beer and bacon? I don’t know, it just sounded like fun. See you on Tuesday.

Vine Park Goes to Italy

Looking for an awesome vacation this fall?

2010 Romantic Italian Beer & Wine Trip
Our next great adventure opportunity is the beautiful, historic, and delicious northwest corner of Italy. Home of famous vineyards, Pinocchio, a surprisingly talented crop of craft breweries, and the intense Italian love of great taste in foods.

Join us for that romantic trip to Italy with fellow lovers of great tasting foods & beverages while exploring centuries old villages on both the coast & in the countryside. See the famous cities of Torino and Genoa, discover castles and re-discover joy of walking hand in hand on cobblestone streets in search of the perfect cafe.

Costs, itinerary and other details.

Glock Maifest

Party. Celebrate the warm weather arrival with a traditional Maifest Party at the Glockenspiel. Got a Vine Park Frequent Brewer card or a Vine Park Year of Beer card, get a Free refill of your 1st beverage! Enjoy great beers, costumes, games, music, German party foods, and more.