Come celebrate 5 years of great beer and food at the Happy Gnome the first 5 days in December. Each day The Happy Gnome will celebrate their 5 year anniversary with specials on beer. Enter your name and email for a beer gear drawing, including some Surly posters.
All flights and tappings start at 5pm, bottles available the entire day. While supplies last. Click on each date for more details (they’re also listed in the events calendar).
Wednesday, Dec 1: Anniversary Beer Night. Anniversary beers from various breweries.
Thursday, Dec 2: Sweet Dreams Night. Beers made with chocolate, coffee, and other sweet goodness.
Friday, Dec 3: Hoppy Anniversary. You guessed it, IPAs and DIPAS.
Saturday, Dec 4: Respect Your Elders. Old (and new) vintages of your favorite cellar-able beers.
Sunday, Dec 5: Stout Sunday. It’s Sunday. There will be stouts.