Author: Eric

Eric was one of a few contributors who jumped on board when the site was in its infancy.

Fulton Beer Infusion Dinner @ Sapor

Join the owners of Sapor and their neighborhood brewery Fulton for a 3-course dinner with beer pairings.

Start in the Bar at 6:30pm for the first Fulton beer and a bite, with dinner at 7:00pm in the Cafe.

Each course features a sampling of two Fulton Beers, one originally brewed and the other infused.

$55/person, make your reservations by calling 612-375-1971.

1st Course
Black Bean Tamal with Arugula and Lonely Blonde-Chipotle Vinaigrette
Lonely Blonde Ale with Grapefruit Infusion

2nd Course
Chicken with Poblano-Worthy Adversary Stout Mole
Worthy Adversary Stout with 100% Cacao Infusion

3rd Course
Tropical Fruit Semifreddo
Sweet Child of Vine IPA with Cascade Hops-Orange Peel Infusion

Schell’s in the Ale Jail

Derek from Schell’s Brewery will be stopping by the Ale Jail this Thursday from 5-7pm.  Derek is currently a Cellarman and Assistant Brewer at Schell’s and will be sampling the Pils, Firebrick, Hopfenmalz and the new Bock.  Stop in a learn a little about the brewery and how the beers are made!

Midwest Beer Tour in NYT

Great article in the New York Times that highlights breweries along Lake Superior, including Clyde Iron Works, Lake Superior Brewing, and Fitgers in Minnesota, before heading to Wisconsin.

Read the article here.