Author: Eric

Eric was one of a few contributors who jumped on board when the site was in its infancy.

House Action on Beer Bills

The House Regulatory & Reform Committee heard the Minnesota Pint Bill and Liquor Store Apparel Bill yesterday. A lively discussion about American jobs and Minnesota steel preceded both bills being laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus liquor bill. The omnibus bill, which will include a variety of liquor-related legislation, is expected to be released by the end of the month and up for discussion and action by the full House in early May.

Founder’s at the Gnome

***Please note that the date has changed from the 19th to the 21st***

Apparently, Catherine over at the Happy Gnome has been squirreling away a keg here and a keg there of some of your favorite beers from Founder’s.  And now is the time to tap em!

Hohenstein’s will be on hand next Tuesday as the Gnome taps:

  • 2009 Backwoods Bastard
  • 2010 Imperial Stout
  • 2011 Kentucky Breakfast Stout
  • 2009 and 2010 Nemesis
  • 2009 Old Curmudgeon