For a bit of levity, check out this story about a “space beer” developed by Sapporo. Let the lame one-liners come forth!
Disclaimer – this has nothing to do with Minnesota Beer, unless the International Space Station plummets to Earth, turning our fine state into a smoking crater.
Mmmm, Japanese beer brewed for the US in Canada.
I refuse to be baited into commenting on your post…oh, snap!
The earth is flat, there will be no plummeting!
I’m afraid to the leave the house. If the world is flat, won’t I fall off the edge?
Careful balance, Scott. Careful balance. Plus you should be able to see the edge… at least during the day…
Oh come one… how could you turn this quote down?
“There’s really no beer like it because it uses 100 per cent barley.”
-Junichi Ichikawa, managing directory for strategy at Sapporo Breweries