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Schell’s Goosetown Gose

August Schell Brewing Co.Thus far, I’ve enjoyed ever single one of the few gose style beers that I’ve tried, so of course I’m fairly excited to share that August Schell Brewing Co. is set to release a traditional German-style  Gose,  Schell’s Goosetown in early April. Shell’s brewers use over 20 pounds of coriander in each brew (can you smell orange?) and say that the beer has “a bright lemon zest, coriander aroma and a slight saltiness that rounds out this new summer brew. The beer pours clear, golden orange in color, with a thick white foam head. A refreshingly light and citrusy tartness greets your palate, backed by a bready, wheat malt character.”

Six packs, twelve packs and kegs, April through October.


• Wheat, Dark Wheat, 2-Row, Acidulated


• Smaragd


• Coriander, Salt

12.3?P OG, 4.7% ABV, 12 IBU

Schell’s Goosetown is named after a neighborhood located across the tracks and down by the Minnesota River in New Ulm, settled by mostly Catholic German-Bohemian immigrants in the late 1800’s. These immigrants raised gaggles of geese, which wandered freely throughout the neighborhood and fed along the banks of the river.