Mister Berg from the August Schell Brewing Company reports that the 7th beer in the Stag Series, stretched the limits of their brewhouse. Each batch of Stag #7 required two separate mashes of over 6000 pounds of malt. 150 pounds of hops were added to the wort during the extended boil. The wort was then cooled and fermented with an American Ale yeast. Finally, the beer was aged for over 3 months. The end result” “An intensely malty and assertively hopped American Barleywine.”
Release dates forthcoming.
Schell Stag Series #7 Barleywine
OG 25 Plato
IBU 80
SRM 16
Malt: 2-Row, Golden Promise, Vienna, Caramunich 80, Caramel 120
Hops: Nugget, Cascade
This doesn’t sound un-good!
I could probably drink some of this.