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Furthermore Fatty Boombalatty sampling at Harvey’s

Harvey’s added Furthermore Fatty Boombalatty. Stub and Herb’s also has this beer on right now. In any case, Chris from Furthermore will be at Harvey’s on Thursday from 6-8 with samples and fat swag.


  1. Is that the Harvey’s in downtown Minneapolis? I might have to go. I’d like to get some swag from Furthermore.

    I’m currently liking their Three-feet Deep. It has a pleasant hint of peat smoke to it.

  2. ryan says:

    Yup. That’s the place. I’ve only tasted the Knot Stock, but I thought that was tasty.

  3. al says:

    this can also be had at Acadia Cafe, where I enjoyed one this evening.

  4. Jon says:

    The Boombalatty is one tasty beer!

  5. Mag says:

    I wasn’t going to comments since Furthermore is a non-MN beer, but the temptation is too great. Kris and I will be at Harvey’s tomorrow night with some friends to have burgers…not beer…just burgers. If a sample happens to slip down my throat, well, that’s the risk one runs. Lookin’ forward to it (the burgers, that is). : )

  6. ryan says:

    Happens to the best of us… I try and I try, but then those crazy Belgians shove a beer in front of me and I need to try it…

  7. @ Mag: In general, I’m not opposed to discussions of non-Minnesota beers on MNBeer. Rather, I’m just opposed to you discussing non-Minnesota beers on MNBeer. :p

  8. mag says:


  9. Who all was at Harvey’s to meet with Chris from Furthermore? Kris, Mag, Kat, and I were there.

    I wrote a short article about it on my blog.

  10. al says:

    Wish I could’ve been there, but, alas, work called…

    one thing, though, Scott. I’ve been told by those who know that the 99 bottles guy was never an owner at All Saints Brands. He just likes to tell people he was.

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