Category: beer events

Town Hall Release: Festivus 2006

Wednesday, 12/20 5-6pm we will release FESTIVUS 2006. We like to make you 1800 IPA and Festivus during the month of December, this year we were a bit short of space so we combined the two beers. Festivus 2006 is a beefed up version of 1800, all the hops, more malt and more alcohol. Should offer tons of fun.

Surly Cask @ Groveland Tap

1st up, The Groveland Tap in St. Paul this Wendsday, December 13th,
7:00-10:00. We will tap a cask of Tea-Bagged Furious at 9:00. Show up early
to get a ticket for a free glass. We will also be giving away some free
shirts, hats and such.

Surly Cask @ Acadia Cafe

The next Wednesday, December 20th, we will be tapping another pin of free
beer at Acadia Café in Minneapolis. Tapping will commence at 9:00. As
always, show up early to get a drink ticket.